Creating a VOLI in VOLI Manage.

Published on
11 Jan 2024
Liam Higgins
Tom Grimshaw
Chief Product Officer

Welcome to the tutorial on how to create and list a VOLI (volunteer opportunity) within the VOLI platform. This guide will help you make the most out of VOLI Manage by walking you through the process of creating and managing volunteer opportunities.

Step 1: Navigating to the VOLI Section

Access VOLI Manage Dashboard: Log into your VOLI Manage account. Use the menu on the left-hand side to navigate to the VOLI section.

Create a New VOLI: Once in the VOLI section, click on 'Create a New VOLI'.

Step 2: Creating Your VOLI

Enter Basic Details: In the Info section, input the basic details for the volunteering opportunity. If you're setting up a virtual social media marketing consulting opportunity or similar, ensure the details are specific and targeted.

Select Date and Time:

Choose a specific start and end time or date for the opportunity. If the opportunity doesn't have a specific timeframe, check the box indicating flexibility.

Align with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Select which goals your opportunity contributes to. For more information on each goal and its targets, click the info icon on the bottom right-hand corner of each goal.

Specify Skills, Interests, and Certifications: Add the skills and interests required for the volunteering opportunity to match with suitable volunteers. Include any certifications needed, such as a working with children's check or a police check.

Provide Meeting Link (For Virtual Opportunities): If your opportunity is virtual, provide the meeting link in the link section. Optionally, invite specific volunteers to the opportunity.

Step 3: Managing Your VOLI

Review Your VOLI: After posting, review the volunteering opportunity in the VOLIs section. Check the number of applications received and the number of volunteers accepted.

Manage the Listing: Click into the opportunity to manage the listing and view how it appears to users. Access the QR code for the opportunity, which can be printed or shown to volunteers for check-in and logging hours.

View Applicants: Select the 'Applicants' button to toggle between accepted applicants or those who have applied. View details such as volunteer names, their previous volunteer shifts, and shifts done with your organisation. In the accepted section, view contact details, check-in/out times, logged hours, and hours awaiting approval.

Contact Applicants and Manage the VOLI: To contact all accepted applicants, select 'Contact All'. Print the QR code for easy check-in and check-out. Edit the VOLI details if necessary.

You've now successfully created and listed your first VOLI. In the next tutorial, we'll guide you on how to set up donations in VOLI Manage to begin accepting financial contributions from users.

Need Assistance?

For any questions regarding this tutorial or if you need help with the platform, feel free to contact Liam at

Happy volunteering, and thank you for using VOLI Manage!